I finally got around to seeing Anora this evening. It deals with sex work which is why I am posting it here instead of Off Topic. It has three parts. The first is more serious than humorous. It bears some resemblance to Pretty Woman but is not a R Rated version of Pygmalion like Pretty Woman. The second part is more humorous than serious. At times it feels like Home Alone. It is very funny. The last part revert to being serious. Though a bit slow to my taste I found it moving and thought provoking.

The protagonist is a Russian-American stripper named Anora aka Ani. The son of a Russian oligarch falls in love with her and eventually they elope. The parents back in Russia are horrified when they learn of this. To minimize spoilers I will leave it there.

Ani is a good example of how to write a strong female character without turning her into an insufferable cliched "girlboss". i went through a phase where I was a frequent customer at strip clubs. I had an opportunity to marry a beautiful stripper but didn't for multiple reasons. One was worrying about my parents' reaction. So I can relate to this story. I enjoyed it immensely.

The movie is moderately positive towards sex work. It shows the business having its share shortcomings but really what business doesn't?

Edited by The Thomas (03/05/25 12:13 AM)