If I go on Tryst, set location to anywhere, service type BDSM, I get 76 pages of results, with about 24 ads per page, that’s roughly 1,800 Dommes and that’s just Tryst. I guarantee you they don’t all have web pages. You can argue well don’t see a Domme without a webpage but in my experience you will miss out on some terrific Dommes. I saw a Domme last year that only communicates by DM on Twitter/X. Crazy if you ask me, but to each their own.

I’m glad I started this thread, I’ve learned a lot. I’ve gone from “I won’t pay an application fee” to “I would pay a fee, but it would depend a lot on the circumstances “. Personally I’m trying to stop seeing new Dommes and focus on the ones I know I truly enjoy but that’s been a challenge for me. I tend to have a “let’s try something new” approach. But I appreciate the new perspective on fees.

I’m sure I will still reach out to some “non application fee” Dommes, but I will certainly consider “application fee” Dommes if well established with informative web pages.