Any parallels? Are you required to pay just to gauge the appropriateness of an appointment with a doctor or lawyer? Or plumber? Or massage therapist? Realtor?
In some cases, yes. In fact, I contacted a lawyer once about a potential lawsuit and was told that in order to contact him -- not talk to him -- I had to pay a fee. Which I did. Because I needed specialized help and he had great reviews.
Go do some research. You will see that some require application fees. In fact, if you've ever rented an apartment or got licensed they you paid one. I had to pay a fee to take an exam to get licensed when I worked in finance. These things cover associated costs.
That aside, it's really not fair to compare adult services with a plumber. Very differemt requirements, challenges, and risks. A plumber may not charge an application fee but they also don't have people calling them for phony talk about leaks in pipes...and, ohmygodonmygod, my pipe...MY PIPE IS ABOUT TO BURST! *click dialtone* We do, however.
The application fee seems exploitive to me, something that exists because you can get away with it. I fully understand that many prospective 'clients' are only looking for the excitement of explaining their kinks, and are unproductive time wasters from the Mistress's perspective. But that happens in other personal services also. Not every inquiry results in revenue.
Food for thought:
1. Your argument says that it's okay for clients make phony or abusive calls, emails, and form submissions but it's not okay for us to charge fees because it's "exploitative". Ergo: Men can exploit women but women cannot exploit men. Women should allow themselves to be exploited.
2. Your argument says that although you know that we are taken advantage of that we should tolerate it because it happens in other services. Ergo: Others suffer, so should you.
3. Your argument says that not every inquiry results in revenue. Ergo: People should accept that they must offer their expertise and labor for free.
The problem with these points, Chamberpot, is that they reflect belief systems that some of us do not agree with and realities we don't want to live in. I mean, you remember we're FemDoms, right?
Sure, I could offer free labor. And I do. I am right now. But if, say, 90% of your work fielding client inquiries would not result in revenue would you still make the argument above? Would you not try to find a way to reduce or eliminate spending your time this way? Knowingly allowing yourself to walk into these scenarios? Especially when some of it is abusive and degrading?
Do you really think any self-respecting FemDom is going to sit there and swallow that garbage year after year? Don't you think it will affect her attitude toward her work, toward men, toward the times she actually *wants* to offer free labor, as it likely would you, after a while? We're all only human, you know.
If a provider is concerned about wasted time, perhaps just limit inquiries to email. Scan the email and if it shows any potential, reply. If that doesn't seem to move things along towards possible revenue, then just move on.
I'd love to give you a bunch of my emails over the years and see if you can tell which ones have "real potential" and which might have "potential?" and which are "maybe wanky but maybe serious?" and then which ones are "definitely wanky", then the "oh boy, here is another person harassing and being creepy to me again", and then the occasional "I'm going to find you and rape you" messages. I guarantee that unless you happen to have a fetish for all of that stuff you will get very, very tired of it and need to find a solution. It's really a matter of self-preservation. Intelligent people tend to be interested in that.
But if I have a specific kink that I want to explore I'm not going to pay just to be able to ask the provider if she is comfortable with that kink, in a 45 second email exchange.
Well, that's the point of the website. For the provider to talk about who they are, what they do, and what they don't do. If they don't get that then I'd understand your point. I'd also understand if someone passed on that Domme because that might tell you something about her.