Hi Furfan:

Thanks for weighing in. You're in the majority as far as the poly approach to pro domination is concerned. Objectively, there are many good reasons for doing it the poly way and it's the preferred method, though of course there is no right or wrong way.

There is also the question of travel and location. My ability to session with pros depends on travel and I often find myself in a different city for one reason or another.

That is an excellent reason for taking a poly approach to pro domination. I'm either telecommuting from home or in the same office location for work, so the Dommes I see tend to be local, either Philly or New York. If my company sent me all over the world on business, I'm sure I'd want to explore the local Femdomme population. I've heard Tokyo is amazing, though London, Berlin and Paris would also be very much on my radar. That's my Femdomme World Tour Fantasy. Not very likely I'll experience that in my lifetime. grin


The excitement and feeling of anticipation when you are about to session with a Domme for the first time is huge for me
My excitement before seeing MVC never fails to be off the charts. I feel like a little kid on Christmas morning. smile

Sure, I'm occasionally underwhelmed or disappointed but that's all part of the process.
I never have that problem! grin

Great hearing from you. Many thanks for weighing in and Happy New Year!


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