Hi, Junglebeast:
Great hearing from you! I can relate to a lot of what you said. Like you, I dropped out of the scene for a period of years, only to return later. Also, as in your situation, it was very difficult for me to afford pro-domination when I was younger and just getting started in my career. I didn't start seeing pros until I was in my late 40s and pretty well established. This hobby costs money. If you can't pay, you can't play. No use whining about it, that's just the way it is. My wife and I were playing a lot back then, so that was my solution in those days and it worked extremely well for a decade or two.
There was a brief period during which I was seeing three Dommes simultaneously, but that was an anomaly that occurred during a time of great change for me, when one relationship was ending and my relationship with MVC was just beginning. I treated them all like separate-but-equal relationships and tried to keep all of them happy, so for me it was exhausting!

I should mention that I also served as the personal slave to a pro for about a year. I thought that might be the kind of relationship I was looking for, but I was mistaken. Mostly it meant working for that person and it was pretty cut and dry. I'm glad I did it, because I learned a lot, but it wasn't some kind of bartering arrangement where I got free play for my efforts. I pretty much just had to work. She was a tough boss too!

I have found my greatest happiness and fulfillment lies in being a preferred, well-liked client. I think that is just about as good as it gets in the pro scene. Being exclusive to her sweetens the deal on both sides of the whip and it seems like a pretty ideal situation, if you find the right person. At least it has been for me.
In the late '90s I met my now under-the-radar Mistress, who I have seen regularly, with the only interruptions when either one of us dropped out of the scene or moved away. Over the past several years I see her exclusively. Based on our many years of play, and our mutual trust, she has expanded my fetish repetoire. Yes she is devoted to the scene, and plays the powerful dominatrix role perfectly, but is kind and understanding. She's slightly younger than me and I'm convinced that when she drops out of the scene for good, so will I, because I doubt I'll never find another Mistress again with the same chemistry.
I can relate to this most of all, because I feel very much the same way. It sounds like you and your Mistress have a similar connection to the one I share with MVC. I know I could never find another Mistress like Mistress Victoria Cayne. You mentioned that your Mistress is kind and understanding. So is Mistress Victoria. I never realized that was something I wanted or needed in a Mistress, but I do. She has been incredibly kind and generous to me over the 6 years I've served her and I'm deeply grateful to her for that. I know I could never find anyone else like her, and she is perfect for me. I'm also no spring chicken, so it's very likely MVC will be the last Mistress I see in my career as a client.
Great chatting with you! Thanks for weighing in on this topic and I wish you all the best!