While the gap between pro domination and the lifestyle version is usually quite big (which some subs have a really hard time getting) it is not an absolute and in some instances can erode a bit over time especially if friendship has been fostered. The result can be something of a muddled mongrel mess that is more Twilight Zone than utopia.

Like Aspx I can say this out of experience. I take exception to one of his points but most of what he says is good advice.

I will add one suggestion. Subspace varies both in flavor and intensity but in all of them testosterone is a key ingredient.
Subspace has some similarity to "in the bubble" erotic trance of porn addiction. You might want to try to disrupt that with frequent orgasms. Try to do that without any fantasizing whatsoever but if you must fantasize about anything BUT your beloved. Yes I sense that your connection to her has a spiritual dimension as well as an erotic one but if you can tome down the eros the spiritual element can be addressed in a more rational manner.