I don't think what we do is the same for everyone, so I am not doubting that what you have said is true for you & many others. But, I can say that it is not true at all for me. Personally, I do it for the pleasure I get by pleasing women & the exchange of that pleasurable experience. I don't get vulnerable, especially with Pros, because MY experience is that they do not want that & it tends to actually end relationships with them if I am more emotional & share my feelings. So, I leave vulnerability to my vanilla relationships.

Also, there is a difference between clients who are really just fetishists getting that itch scratched (with the exception of transformation because I think vulnerability is a large part of that experience & is highly attractive to the Dommes doing that) & clients who are actually subs. Which is why the physical is easier to post about since that does translate across the entire spectrum of clients.