I love the idea of insurance coverage on BDSM sessions!!! The more I think about it, you are absolutely correct - so beneficial to physical and mental health!

The physical benefits for me.....my mistress looks great, and is in great physical condition. So, I want to be that way too. So, seeing her gives me purpose to eat right and be physically fit and look my best. Yes, insurance should cover because the results are there!

The mental benefits - she gives me purpose in general. Nothing else in my life motivates and drives me to be my best like she does. There is NO OTHER person or professional that has this affect and impact on me. Pretty special, huh? I need to call my insurance representative.

That would be fun just to hear their reaction and reasoning for denying my claim. I could counter propose and ask for 60% coverage of out of pocket expenses. Hell, I would gladly pay the deductable!

In all seriousness, SHE is special and truly enriches my life - even if its for only a brief moment in time every few months. She rocks!!!
