Originally Posted By nysubjack
I found Bilquis to be a very interesting character in the American Gods series. She uses her divine femininity and hyper sexuality to completely ensnare men, and in a most graphic manner.

Exactly!! She is a minor character but her presence is definitely felt.

Originally Posted By nysubjack
Given that She is a Goddess, does She consider men giving themselves up to her completely during sex to be a sacrificial offering of some kind ? Or does She have an insatiable sexual drive that drives her to "hunt" men and to consume them during sex ? Something else ?

Yes, that is the sacrifice!!! The premise of the book is the "Old Gods" (she is an old God) have to somehow remain relevant in the new world AKA America. The Old Gods are a representation of the melting pot of cultures and beliefs brought over by first generation immigrants, so as the immigrants are dying out, so are the Old Gods becoming irrelevant. I don't want to give away any spoilers, but essentially people lusting after Her is how she is worshiped and kept relevant. Personally, I don't know if I would call her sex drive insatiable more than Her drive/need/want to remain germane. But essentially, in this case the two concepts are inextricably linked.

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