Aftercare for me is being allowed to take some time after the session to collect my thoughts, flush the adrenalin, and physically decompress. There is always some conversation about the session with the Domme, usually it's me telling the Domme how great the session was and her hopefully telling me she enjoyed it as well. Those conversations are usually great fun, with more than a few laughs involved.

I can't think of a time after a session when the Domme didn't tell me to relax for a few minutes, and many offered me an opportunity to shower or clean up. The better the session, the more important aftercare becomes for me. I don't think I am unique in looking at time spent during aftercare as a gift from the Domme, and I am careful not to abuse it.

ztrade.... after looking at some of your other posts, and I mean no disrespect towards you in asking this question, but have you ever actually had a real time BDSM session with a professional Dominatrix?


Edited by nysubjack (06/14/24 08:57 PM)