It's a new Korean series on Netflix that I was going to put on in the background while I did my admin. Nope. I was engrossed immediately. It is a brilliant and horrifying social commentary worth watching on its own, but we're here, and I want to talk about the BDSM elements. Some of these are pretty overt, but the 8 Floor character, dammmnnnn. It was like seeing my domme self on screen for eight episodes.

I had to take a step back and self-evaluate because she is objectively a sociopath. No, I think I am okay, as consent is very, very important to me. Instead, I will thank those who see me and allow these moments for me. Perhaps I won't be the only one keen on this antagonist.

They had an episode with some decent gear as well. Who has seen it?
I've broken all my toys. Would you like to be broken?