Originally Posted By Michelle Lacy
A few years ago a scammer managed to get quite a lot of money out of somebody and they thought it was me and it was very obviously not me at all. ... Unfortunately it gets worse as I have been sent death threats by people who think that I scammed them, yelling at me that I won't get away with it.

I'm so sorry. The people who do this are trash.

I am not the only Pro who goes through this, there's quite a lot of us.

It's happened to me, too. A guy contacted me through my website AFTER sending a deposit to someone pretending to be me on some website I don't use, wanting to confirm it was me to whom he just sent his money. I sympathized but couldn't help but be annoyed. Why didn't he ask me before sending $500 or whatever?

The end result was not only did this guy get NOTHING from his $500, he now won't actually come and see me because he's been burned and it killed his boner.

The scammer wins and we both lose.

Guys, don't trust ANYONE who approaches you for a session and asks you for money.

STOP and go to the Domme's site and contact her BEFORE you do anything.

No site? I'd pass, personally.

Edited by Mistress Tissa (05/09/24 06:23 PM)