Originally Posted By Cheyenne
No, I'm not involved in the Order of Indomitus. Michelle Lacy and I are close friends. I let her use my space for her events before she bought her own. We've always done favors for each other, personal and professional. But, I don't know anything about the events, except my late husband, who attended a few of them thought they were a blast. I know Michelle to be an outstanding and honest person of integrity. But, she can't be accountable for what someone who worked at one of her events did on their own time. I will reach out to Michelle and ask her to check this thread out. She stays pretty busy but, hopefully, she'll pop in here.

Please don't bother Mistress Michelle Lacy, it's not her responsibility it's nothing to do with her, she's in no way involved! I only mentioned it as a sign it wasn't just some random "fuck you, pay me" twitter Domme without even their own website, it was someone properly plugged into the BDSM scene, who has attended respectable events with proper OG Dommes.