Originally Posted By Chi61
But what might she do? If I gave my real name (not uncommon these days) she could dox me in retaliation. Even if she didn’t do that, she very well may black list me. Do I have “receipts”, yes. Is anyone going to read my email history to confirm my story. Probably not. Would I win in small claims court, 100% yes. Will I win in an internet fight with an established Domme, no at least not in my opinion

I should also add I don’t think in either case the Domme was running a scam. I suspect both regularly take deposits, honor them, and have sessions. I just think in both cases it may have been more of a “oh well, shit happens, plans change, what are you gonna do about it” type attitude. What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine. That is at least my suspicion
A Domme with a "what are you gonna do about it" attitude took $1,200 off me, and concern about doxing was why I never tried to tell anyone about it. She also had a strong strong online and video presence, occasionally posted on the old maxfisch boards, once or twice attended the Order Of Indomitus event, in all ways a legitimate upstanding member of the kink community, etc. She's still in business 7 years later. Just goes to show you never can tell.