Originally Posted By Cheyenne
Just leave it there with your hatefulness and lies.

I'm not going to go tit for tat with your nonsensical rant. Your rage

She wants everyone to think I'm unreasonable and crazy instead of addressing the points I made.

I sympathized with the male posters who didn't want to hand over their identification to prodoms they didn't know.

"male approval" = men > women not wanting to be raped or murdered

When I eventually joined a conservation about it, you lost it.... Have at it all day long attacking me, making up nonsense and going after anyone who rubs you the wrong way....I'm not going get in a nonsensical and petty back and forth with you.

When you can't actually have an intelligent discussion you have to resort to ad hominems and the like.

And this is why I vote NO for the political forum and NO for Cheyenne moderating it.

Edited by Mistress Tissa (03/05/24 11:34 PM)