In my opinion this can only be a scenario for a custom clip, unless stripped into several parts.


Clip producers will produce the scenes they like and enjoy doing and will consider commercial aspects (likes of the buyers) as well. The higher the share of income from clip sales based on the total income of the producer is, the more important are the likes of the consumers.

Furthermore only view clips are longer than 10-12 minutes as they are easier (faster) to watch (consider download time and upload restrictions regarding the size of file as well). Many producers of custom clips are also restricting the maximum duration to 15 minutes.

Third most clips focus on one (main) topic (i.e. whipping or CEI or golden shower) only, as a pure clip will ensure that the people who like this topic are not disturbed (and therefore reluctant to buy) by topics they are not interested in.

Just my two cents.

do not go