Very well put.

Over the years, I found that some clients want certain tasks performed in a certain way and are thrilled if you follow the "Script," they proposed. It was usually a fun, light hearted session that we both enjoyed. No heavy head trip. Just good fun.

Other clients wanted and needed "Mind readers." When someone is forking over the kind of money required for a session, especially an extended one, that puts a lot of pressure on a dom. At least, it did me. How not to bottom from the top but provide what the client is paying for? The method I eventually came up with was to ask open ended questions about previous and fantasized experiences, as well as how the client imagined feeling. The feeling part was key. As zen as it may sound, I'd spend 15 minutes before a session with my palms up to the sky releasing my energy. In the warm up with my client, he'd begin to surrender and release his. Then, I'd let the energy in the room guide the session. Sounds completely weird and, it was. After extended sessions, it would take a few days to get myself grounded. The client and I both had been on a wild emotional ride. But, it all worked.

To the original poster, I love his attitude. A client often makes or breaks or own session.