Originally Posted By CheekClapper
I think we're just trying to have a thoughtful discussion on alternative methods for deposit and not be told it's not someone's problem.

Clients typically want anonymity AND convenience. The problem is that this is actually impossible. You can have one or the other. And even with anonymity, truly anonymous is very difficult.

We Dommes can get tired of being asked to bend over backwards and do somersaults and cartwheels to accommodate men who are lying about their lives, which is almost always the reason why they want us to also be gymnasts for them. It's just not our responsibility to have to manage this.

I have suggested alternatives to electronic transactions in the past and clients usually complain. They don't want to be bothered to mail anything. OK, so you don't want electronic and you don't want to mail a money order. Then what is your proposed solution? One that doesn't involve my taking a hit or increasing my risk? The questions are hypothetical, but you can answer if you'd like.