
not only many Dommes require to have multi hour sessions, I have noticed another trend that are happening. Many Dommes are now requiring higher and outrages deposits amounts which some require 50% of your tribute as a deposit and then pay the other 50% of the tribute to them when you meet them. Some, would say a 25% deposit is required or 1,000.00 deposits. Now I do support and understand why deposits are needed but why charge so much. I remember paying a deposit of $50.00 which is reasonable and you can deduct that amount from your tribute payment.

I met one Mistress who charged me %75.00 for my first session with her. Then I received an email from her that she was in town and wouldl like to know if I wanted to meet with her and I responded yes. well, then brought up that I had to pay the $75.00 dollar deposit again. I asked her is this an ongoing thing every time I meet with her and she replied yes. To me that is a little too much. One time deposit I get but having to pay deposits each time I meet with her that is way bit to much for.

As I said I do support deposits it is to wean out those time wasters or to cover those who don't show up at all.

As for Multi hours..I prefer to meet with a mistress for two hours it gives me and her enough time to get know each other and have a blast of a session.

Cheers folks
