Your session is pretty far out of the universe of things that interest me, but we are certainly in agreement about enjoying the pre-session buildup and interactions ... in fact, I just recently made a thread about it here I personally don't have interest in twitter or other social media, but my domme and I make heavy use of texting, snapchat, Facetime (and snapchat's version of facetime), etc.

Maybe the one piece of advice I have for you is, you seem to really enjoy the pre-session interaction, but are bending over backwards to almost apologize for it ("not wasting time or looking for unfair attention", "II don't want to be too intrusive into her other time"). I think it's great that you're respectful of her time. But, I also think you should leave it up to her as to what's respectful and what's not. If you really love this pre-session interaction, I suggest talking with her about it, she might just decide you're a good enough customer that she's happy to do more of it for free, or maybe you can come to an arrangement to pay her for a killer-exciting 3-day buildup to your session. You might be shocked what kind of amazing fun time she can construct for those 3 days, if she knows you really enjoy it, and thinks she's being fairly compensated for her time.