Originally Posted By DominaCaitlin
I always use one of two passwords, so it is not hard to remember. I also try to store my password.

Sorry to jump in but using the same password everywhere is actually a bad practice from a safety perspective as you are reliant on the security of every site you use to keep your passwords safe (and some really aren't that good from a security perspective). If ANY site gets hacked, then they have your password (these usually get published somewhere by the hackers) which they can then try to use on other sites where your username is the same (which we all generally try to do). Not something that is really relevant here, but on sites where you store your credit card or there is a lot of personal information you don't want to get out, it can be a big deal.

My suggestion is to come up with a part of your password you always use and then another part that is specific to the site (so it is easy to remember). For example, if your standard password is "Pass123" then putting the first and last letters of the site in the middle completely randomizes it but still makes it simple to remember. For Domina.ms it would be "PassDa123" but for Amazon it would be "PassAn123" (obviously there are lots of other ways to do the randomization, but this is a simple one).

Just a thought I figured I would pass along...

AspX... I'm not paranoid... they really are all out to get me