Originally Posted By Mistress Tissa

I too have an incredible reputation, not just in Philly, but from subs who have come to session with me from all over the country.

Originally Posted By AspX
Mistress Tissa is also very active on this board and has an excellent reputation with reviews.

Maybe I am now being a little oversensitive but in what way did what I said (and quoted above) come across as you having anything less than a stellar reputation and reviews?

As for MVC, I have never had the experience of sessioning with her but I have supported her touring for years and have had many private conversations with subs about their experiences beyond what is published in reviews because of that.

I was not meaning to compare the two of you, only to provide names of Dommes in Philly who I respect and recommend based on their reputations... Which in some cases are driven by reviews on these boards from people I respect (rather than those who have 4 posts all about a single Domme).

Originally Posted By Mistress Tissa
when I see a Domme get a steady stream of reviews I actually see that as more fishy than one who has only a few.

I disagree with you on "fishiness" but do agree that those who consistently get reviewed usually do so because they ask some clients to do that for them. That doesn't mean that they are not 100% true or that you can't learn about a Domme's style from them. It just means that the Domme recognizes that kind of exposure as valuable from a marketing perspective.

You and I have had a debate in the past about how you feel that the reviews you post about yourself on your own website somehow have more validity than those posted on these sites. I disagree with that but don't want to relitigate that rather than just respectfully disagreeing, but I do think your general attitude towards public reviews (as reflected in that position) is very relevant in regards to your statement above.