Originally Posted By Chi61
I keep two Twitter accounts as I imagine a lot of us do. I’ll probably give it a bit to get a better sense of where this is heading, but will likely ultimately delete the account I use to follow SWer Twitter.

I suspect Musk is going to want to retain/grow the advertising revenue on Twitter as a key priority. All the smoke and mirrors aside, I can’t imagine any other reason he bought Twitter other than thinking he could make money. Not buying his, “save the world” bs. Unfortunately, I could see him thinking less privacy does that but I also think he may make relatively slow changes as to not upset the apple cart.

I don’t think the SWer Twitter knockoffs really caught on, but it’s possible this drives more adoption. Idk, so hard to tell right now where this is heading.

Very curious on others thoughts.

It probably doesn't hurt to have the algorithm and collective conscience of the human mind via Twitter for use with his Neuralink brain implant chips. The free speech stuff is just a cover story.