Unfortunately this is a very real hazard for Dommes. Every Domme I personally know that has been doing sessions for any length of time has had some kind of unsettling experience.

Dommes are like celebrities in a way. Our image is out there for all to see. Many have films/clips to further fuel the fertile mind of a would be stalker. So it's easy for an unbalanced individual to become obsessive. The nature of our business is fueled by obsession to a certain extent.

I have been fortunate (knock on wood) and extremely cautious. In a previous post about relationships with Mistresses I was adamant that I don't believe in carrying relationships (especially romantic ones) outside of the dungeon. I am aware of two such instances where a significant other ended up dead at the hands of an unhinged stalker.

Most "stalking" is harmless, but you never know when it will turn ugly. About 4 years ago I got a text that said: "Hello Mistress Ayn. Or would you prefer (insert legal name)". To make it even creepier, My real name has a odd spelling that I don't even use. He had to dig this up on some legal document, which means he put some real effort into finding My legal name. This is not someone I had ever seen before. He had sent texts before ranging from nasty to wanting to book a session, so I had him in My contacts as a wanker. A year or so later I found out that on at least 2 occasions he had set up an outcall with a Domme and then held her against her will. One he kept on a boat for 3 days, so far away from shore she couldn't swim back. The other he held for several hours. He didn't physically harm either Domme - but I can only imagine the psychological toll. This is a person that should be reported to police before he harms someone, but as AspX said later in this post, that has it's own risks and most Dommes aren't willing to take that risk.
Making grown men cry . . . and loving every minute of it.

Main website: www.mistressayn.com
Content site: www.aynrules.com
Follow Me on Twitter - @MistressAyn