Originally Posted By Cheyenne
I hate to see an abuse of the legal system under any circumstances. But, what they did was unimaginably inconsiderate. It is akin to dressing up like nazis in a Synagogue.

I understand the point you are trying to make with this statement, but I absolutely disagree with that specific comparison as something "akin to".

The Church as an institution has a very long and very storied history of sexual and physical abuse of both women and children over the 1000 years it has been around (amongst many other crimes against humanity sanctioned by the Catholic church). Over its history, it has almost always been the perpetrator of atrocities not the victim.

The Jews, on the other hand, were nothing but victims of the nazis less than 100 years ago (meaning people in the synagogue probably personally knew victims of the Holocaust as parents, aunts/uncles or grandparents) and groups displaying those symbols today are still actively trying to kill and hurt Jews (see 2018 "Tree of Life" mass shooting as an example).

The point that the parishioners who attend that church were offended by and never would have approved of the activities using their particular church as a movie set for this particular type of shooting (even privately in off-hours) is valid. But you are making a false equivalency between being offended by disrespecting their beliefs and people wearing symbols that actively stand for hate crimes against those specific people.