Lady Vi Tweet (@Satanatrix) #1

We reached a deal: misdemeanor institutional vandalism, NDA and $8k restitution split between @Empress_Ming and I paid to the church over the next 6 months.

Yes, that is correct. $666.66/per month each.

Lady Vi Tweet (@Satanatrix) #2

Over the last couple years you have reached out asking what you can do. My financial situation this year has changed significantly. I am asking my community to sponsor a payment, full or partial, anything helps.

C*shApp: $MVD666

Thank you.

Lady Vi Tweet (@Satanatrix)#3

While this is not the resolution I wanted, nor one I believe is fair, it is the one that puts this behind us so we can move on with our lives.

My position is, and always will be, "thumbs up emoji".

Lady Vi Tweet (@Satanatrix)#4

If you would like to contribute to @Empress_Ming, you can send to her directly. Info below.

C*shApp: $EmpressMing

For those of you who don't know, Empress Ming and Lady Vi were arrested in New Orleans about two years ago for basically desecrating a church (not the actual charges). The priest of the church was actually a sub of Empress Ming's and he invited the two of them to shoot fetish videos in the chapel with him as the sub.

After the shoot was over, some church members noticed that the lights were on and knocked on the door. So, the priest (very stupidly) opened the doors to the chapel and came to speak with the church members, who then (from the private property of the church) could see the aftermath of the shoot (meaning dildos and other equipment strewn around as well as the Dommes in fetish gear).

These church members were very upset and called the cops, who were just as offended as the church members and arrested everyone involved. The prosecutors and courts have not been kind to Ming (who lives in Atlanta) and Vi (who lives in Seattle), forcing them to travel to New Orleans multiple times for court dates only to delay the proceedings and ring up lawyer fees with each step.

While it is absolutely true that what they did was not in the public eye and were there at the invitation of the priest (which means they were neither trespassing nor being publicly indecent), they finally got worn down by the system and took a plea deal just to get it over with. Some of you who are religious may feel that what they did was just wrong, but this case isn't about religion or about whether your personal kinks line up with theirs... it is about OUR place in society and how we as a BDSM community are constantly looked down upon for our private behaviors.

Please join me in helping these two amazing women with their legal bills stemming from the wrongful prosecution of them for being Dommes and pursuing what we all wish to enjoy freely.


P.s. You can also help, and help yourself, by buying Lady Vi's and/or Empress Ming's content on various platforms... y'know, the kind of inventive and amazing stuff that they were trying to create when this happened.