A friend has alerted me to this thread.

I did not ban anyone from Max Fisch. I do not have admin or moderator powers there. I do not have the ability to remove threads. A thread in the reviews area was removed due to racial slurring that had started and use of the "C" word. I reported it and it was removed. That I will own. I'm an honest person. Over a year ago I helped the owner fix some technical things on the Max Fisch site for about 3 weeks, but the work was not completed and the board was changed again - possibly to a new owner. My efforts were publicly documented: http://www.maxfisch.com/thehang/ubbthreads.php/forums/26/1/Software_Upgrade_and_Features

This was my site back in the day: http://www.domboss.com/messageboard
As you can see, it's no longer active. Not enough time. frown

Be well all, and best to all of you. I hope this clears things up about this matter.

Ms Boss