Many years ago, late '80s/early '90s, I sessioned several times with a domme who I have come to regard as my favorite of all time. She mostly sessioned at one house, disappeared for a few years, came back to another, very briefly, and did sessions for a while out of another's studio. At the end of one session she casually told me her vanilla jobs. She had two, both in my own profession, and for one, the bigger one, she went so far as to tell me the name of the person she worked for, who was someone well known in my field and someone I might have had the reason to do business with. I was kind of freaked out, imagining myself encountering her outside of the scene, and I wasn't quite sure why she so casually volunteered the information.

She's been out of the scene for years, and I never did have a reason to deal with her boss at the time, so I don't know whether she's still working for him or not.