Originally Posted By pussywhippedboy

Doing it with a $400 digital camera might be amateur, but it's good enough for a large audience. Some findommes and humiliatrix girls shoot their own videos using a web cam and upload it to YouTube. I watch them and they look fine to me.

Ok, ok, so everyone has their own standards. I get that.

It's like music. Sub-cassette quality MP3 files and YouTube music are good enough for a whole lot of people. But there are still (even "high profile" like Neil Young) boosters of "high resolution" audio. And I just saw a "Wanted" post on my local FreeCycle board the other day from someone looking for old vinyl records "because they sound so much better than YouTube that I listen to now."
"We can plainly understand woman was made after man, and she's been after man ever since" - Blind Alfred Reed