Both have pros and cons. I liked the variety and light of heart fun of 1 hour sessions, especially in the day of short notice sessions. It was like impromptu theater every day. It didn't take me out of my headspace to the point that it was hard to switch gears or I needed emotional recovery time. Intense extended sessions were great but took a while to "Come down" from. There was a time when it seemed like all anyone wanted was 8 hour, overnight and weekend sessions. I had great experiences and made killer money but I had to take a few months off to put my head back on straight after 3 or 4 months of near back to back extended play. As I headed toward the goal of retiring, I saw only a handful of extended clients. That was cool. We'd play for a few hours, jump in the hot tub, play for a few hours, go to dinner, play for a few hours and talk about how much fun it was, ect. We did sessions on boats, remote cabins deep in the woods and all kind of destination spots in addition to my dungeon. That was a great in between.