Spark, you are far wiser than I was. In my situation the lady and I were in our early 30s. I had issues in my personal life, she had deep seated emotional issues that haunted her since she was a kid. My Mistress at the time didn't know any of this and she recommended (ordered me) to serve this Domina. The lady was also a model, designer & massuse who was visiting from the West Coast. We talked a lot about our backgrounds and there was an instant attraction between the both of us.

She gave me her number telling me to call if I wound up on the West Coast. I kept it even though, up until that time, I hadn't traveled to there on business for years. We spoke a couple of times on the phone. Two months later, by sheer accident, I was on a jet and saw her on my trip. By the Holidays she was visiting family on the East Coast and a bi-coastal relationship began. We ended it a couple of years later. A few years after than she got back in touch with me and remained friends. But, eventually, nostalgia kicked in, we got involved once again and... it ended badly.