I was recently browsing a reddit forum and came across a foot fetish thread. This seems like a really common fetish sometime associated with femdom but i think more often not. The topic was men worried about telling their wives/gfs about their fetish.

I have never had a foot fetish. But It got me thinking why the secrecy? As fetishes go this one seems like an easy one to be open about. Women spend thousands on shoes and foot care. It would only be natural that men would admire them. Its a fetish that really involves no specialized training or fancy toys and who wouldn’t be in to receiving massages, worship, nail painting etc

A few years ago I decided to be open about my kink interests, with my sexual partners and it has been one of the best decisions of my life…I just felt bad for these guys that felt the need to keep it bottled up and their partners who were missing out on foot worship.

Maybe im wrong but i just couldn’t imagine a foot fetish being a deal breaker in a relationship. Am i missing something?