Originally Posted By Spark
Good insight guys!
Sometime during the date with a comment along the lines of “I am really enjoying getting to know you and just wanted to provide a small gift to show i an sincere. I hope it makes your day a little better”.

I believe the standard is not to pay on an initial meet and it is generally not expected but appreciated.

Yes, classy and fair way to go, IMO, and the way I do it.


Also just to bring this thread back to femdom all of my dates didnt have femdom experience. All described themselves as vanilla. But all were very interested, accepting and open to exploring further. It just is a nice reminder for me that if we share the things we enjoy many people will accept you. Not something i realized 20 years ago.

Right, that is a much more key insight that many realize. I've seen many times that someone will come onto a sugar-oriented forum, and say "I'm an SD looking for sugar and femdom together". There's always a chorus of "Sugarbabies are all submissive, almost none of them advertise as dominant, you're better off on fetlife".

I always respond that the fact that few SBs are dominant is both true, and irrelevant. Yes, it's true, very few mention being dominant on their profile, and the majority have absolutely no femdom experience. But it's also irrelevant, because if approached respectful, a huge number of SBs are open to femdom, sometimes extremely enthusiastically open ("OMG I've always wanted to try it but never got a chance!") etc. Now if you want an SB who is experienced in femdom, that I agree is a challenge. But if you're happy working with an enthusiastic novice, once you nail down the proper approach, it's a target-rich environment