That is AWESOME! I am glad someone else is discovering the joys of the femdom arrangement!

On the initial platonic meet (the "meet and greet"), if what you're doing is working for you, that's great. My advice not to offer payment in advance has nothing to do with affordability. Rather, it's that so many SDs find the quality of the potential SBs go up when they don't promise a payment for it, and my experiences are VERY solidly in this group. There are just too many scammers and other types you really don't want to waste your time, who will come to a M&G with you just for the payment.

My M&G best practices: 1. Tell her you will cover her transportation expenses, 2. When she shows up to the M&G, consider giving her an extra gift (a hundred or two) -- the critical thing being, it's not promised in advance, she's not making the decision on whether to come to dinner with you based on being paid for it, she's doing it because she likes you and she thinks you're compatible. Then you give her some cash anyway.