Another site intended as a Maxfisch "replacement" I remember was All Star Dommes. As I recall it had a significant Domme presence with lots of interactions but seemed to disappear quite quickly. I see the domain name now shows as available when you search for it.

I recall having an extensive discussion with Miss Grey (mygreyheaven) and a couple of other Dommes and subs regarding the logistics and practical aspects of extended (24-48 hour+) captivity type sessions. I think Miss Darcy was active there too although I seem to recall the Dommes were largely west coast based. There was one who I think had been a protege of Eisianna Eiger of SF but her name won't come to me. I think she just used a first and last name without any title.....Tara something maybe? edit....It came to me....I'm pretty sure it was Tara Stirling

My recollections are a little hazy....anybody else remember any details?

Edited by furfan (08/14/21 04:58 AM)