The thread about D/s in Movies got me thinking about the same thing in novels. I suspect I am in the minority but I would far rather read a good book than watch a video or a movie.

As I've posted before it is very hard to find erotic novels featuring BDSM in the F/m context while still providing a decent plot, interesting characters and good dialog. Even better are authors that create a world and then write multiple full length novels each featuring different characters from the world with other members of the cast in a supporting roles......think the "BDSM Club" genre.

Some romance novelists do a decent job of this (think 50 Shades but actually well written with a better storyline) but they are overwhelmingly the M/f, Alpha male and submissive female genre. Even multi book series using the BDSM club setting (quite a common trope) usually only offer 1 F/m out of 8 or 10 books at best with the rest being M/f......and even when they do it often ends with the Domme agreeing to a compromise relationship where the male sub has more control.

Candace Blevins' Safeword series features really hot and very explicit/detailed BDSM scenes and often full or at least part time TPE but sadly it's all M/f. The TPE scenes that last several days really push my buttons ....if only the gender roles were reversed. frown

She also wrote a series called "A Darkish Faerie Tale" ....paranormal but lots of BDSM and D/s featuring the Winter Queen (Queen Mab) as a pretty kick ass Domme playing with slaves and various prisoners.

I really wish I could find something like Blevins' books with the gender roles switched to F/m.

I guess there are far more women reading this stuff than men and 99% of them want the 50 Shades "surrender to the Alpha Dom" genre.

Sadly, like my fur fetish, my interest in BDSM F/m literature (as opposed to video clips) seems to put me in a pretty tiny minority.

Edited by furfan (07/21/21 09:21 AM)