Originally Posted By Mistress UV
Originally Posted By Soapy

Also known as the "Nice Guy" in the vanilla world.

Low self confidence men who make contracts with women, without telling them, that if they do nice things for them the woman will return affection. When that doesn't happen they turn nasty.

This is exactly the personality type I think of when reminded of this issue.
I've experienced this the most when the "sub" feels rejected, and therefore insecure.

For example; A client asking to push limits I'm not comfortable with, A sub being denied a request, A slave being disciplined for bad behavior.

I think these men involved in the scene have a certain entitlement that makes them feel as though they don't have to take responsibility for their actions, and that their needs are somehow more important than a Woman's own personal boundaries. They often have this attitude that says, "Its not my actions that caused any issues its the big-bad-Domme who's saying NO and sticking to their guns who's the problem!"

They usually pretend to want to be Dominated, but what they really want is to have control over their Dommes.

Just another hissy fit from a man-child who can't get their way in my opinion!

You're dead on Sister. There's a man-child behind every bush in the scene! mad
The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me.