For me it would be a fairly lengthy extended session with a captivity theme.....maybe 48-72 hours? The scenario would be that I am an unruly sub sent to a facility for remedial training and conditioning in obedience and submissiveness. Obviously not nonstop 48-72 hour play session but always under some form of control or restraint....even during downtime.

I like the fantasy of no safeword/true captive but lets be realistic. "Call 911.... I'm having chest pains!" is always going to bring a scene to a screeching halt grin (If it doesn't you are definitely playing with the wrong person!) I'm not sure how to push towards CNC with only some pre negotiated limits and general outlines of play but some limited form of that would be cool!

Somewhere like Warsaw Prison comes to mind although I'm really not into the whole harsh institutional prison type atmosphere so I have reservations about that option being quite right.

Mistress Servalan in Australia also does very intriguing extended sessions but the logistics of flying so far are complicated too.

The money aspect is doable but the biggest drawback is disappearing and being out of touch for that length of time.

I still haven't given up on this one yet though....hope springs eternal smile