For me, at least, I found that there's a whole bunch of choices, and even within a particular area (e.g., wallets) there's choices (software or hardware wallet) with choices (I'm going hardware - Ledger X or Trezor or Exodus or ....). Same with choices on how you'll buy your bitcoin, all of which have positives and negatives vs each other. If you are a complete beginner, you may be motivated to read about it all and try to make sense of it.

After a bunch of research, I now tell beginners: Just get your bitcoin on cashapp (if you're lazy) or Coinbase (if you're not), get yourself a Ledger X Nano hardware wallet, and spend some time figuring things out from there. There's cheaper ways to get bitcoin (but also more expensive ways), there's more anonymous ways to get bitcoin; but this way is easy to understand, not too too expensive, and pretty safe and secure.

Bitcoin scams are so rampant because that simple paragraph I wrote above, took me a bit of time to research what are all the ways to do things and what are the advantages/disadvantages, and then weigh them all for a beginner. The scammers can easily manipulate someone to transfering their (the victim's) bitcoin to the scammer's wallet

Edited by Swordfish (01/05/21 01:39 AM)