Pornhub just deleted 10.000.000 videos yesterday: all videos that weren't from verified account. 70% of these 10M videos was pirated content (the best content...). That's a good news for the industry and people trying to make a living out of it, and a bad news for consumers!

Though, some say these videos are not deleted for good, but that Pornhub only buy itself time, as MasterCard and Visa banned it from their service. Pornhub needed to address a quick and strong answer to show their good faith.

Regardless of the vampire/whipping/disturbing stuff, if Pornhub actually (passively) hosted rape content and legit sex slavery content (like alleged in the NY times article), all of this was necessary. They couldn't go trough 10M videos, watch them all and delete the illegal ones.

Edited by BDSAIME (12/15/20 09:12 AM)
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