#12551 - 12/06/20 12:13 PM
The end of PornHub?
Registered: 10/13/15
Posts: 1320
Loc: Romania
I was shocked by what I read in this article. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/04/opinion/sunday/pornhub-rape-trafficking.htmlLegitimate producers of adult content hate tube sites because they allow our content to be pirated but this (if it's true) is in a league of its own. They said Backpage was bad . . . The unfortunate thing about sites like this getting international attention for doing unsavory things brings the wrong kind of backlash to the rest of us because they usually tend to throw the baby out with the bathwater. What do you all think?
Making grown men cry . . . and loving every minute of it. Main website: www.mistressayn.comContent site: www.aynrules.com Follow Me on Twitter - @MistressAyn
#12556 - 12/06/20 07:43 PM
Re: The end of PornHub?
[Re: Mistress Ayn]
Registered: 10/20/15
Posts: 454
I see the usual coalition using this as another excuse to again go after Porn in general and with it the entire Greater Adult Co-Perversity Sphere. Rest assured they will once again fail in their ultimate goal but maybe they eliminate the major pirated porn sites. But even in that case we might get some replacement sites that are very heavily moderated when it comes to kiddie/rape/revenge porn but still steal hand over fist from the legit producers.
However these sites might be reluctant to steal any clips that relates to "torture" unless it is very light and manifestly consensual. But the reason they do this is because of a government crackdown on anything and everything that appears even remotely nonconsensual. And it won't matter if it is M/F, F/F. F/M or M/M This will make BDSM porn a legal minefield
Those are my first thoughts. I might have more tomorrow
#12558 - 12/07/20 01:09 AM
Re: The end of PornHub?
[Re: Mistress Ayn]
Registered: 07/12/19
Posts: 430
I think it is unfortunate that a publication like NY Times and a writer like Kristof get involved in this. It gets readers but for the short time any publicity is good publicity while as far as actions go any presumable action would be done by tone deaf people likely to do more harm than good.
I see this article as a negative bringing unwanted and unneeded attention. Do not expect help from legislators. Sometimes the enemy of your enemy is your enemy too.
#12568 - 12/08/20 04:11 PM
Re: The end of PornHub?
[Re: Mistress Ayn]
Registered: 10/13/15
Posts: 1320
Loc: Romania
This just landed in my inbox courtesy of XBiz. It's a shame it took an article in the NY Times to get them to do the bleeding obvious. Pornhub makes massive changes. Colin Rowntree posts:
Most notable among many massive changes:
1. Verified Uploaders Only
Effective immediately, only content partners and people within the Model Program will be able to upload content to Pornhub. In the new year, we will implement a verification process so that any user can upload content upon successful completion of identification protocol.
2. Banning Downloads
Effective immediately, we have removed the ability for users to download content from Pornhub, with the exception of paid downloads within the verified Model Program. In tandem with our fingerprinting technology, this will mitigate the ability for content already removed from the platform to be able to return.
Read the entire thing at:
Making grown men cry . . . and loving every minute of it. Main website: www.mistressayn.comContent site: www.aynrules.com Follow Me on Twitter - @MistressAyn
#12569 - 12/08/20 07:18 PM
Re: The end of PornHub?
[Re: Mistress Ayn]
Registered: 10/20/15
Posts: 454
Thanks for posting this. Clearly the owners see a very real threat on the owners. The degree to which the new policies (some of which ape current corporate political correctness) are actually implemented remains to be seen.
#12570 - 12/09/20 05:46 AM
Re: The end of PornHub?
[Re: Mistress Ayn]
Registered: 07/12/19
Posts: 2310
There is a site on porbhub that, while shooting only with people who are over 21, is based on the fantasy of incest. Their content would never be permitted on a traditional membership website. The incest and sex acts involving "Minors" is only implied. But that would be banned by most other popular VOD sites. The store owner is making a ton of movie. I'd guess around 500k a year, just his cut. So, he's been granted leniency with Porn Hub. The owner is a model who used to shoot for ClubDom. He's actually a nice person. For years, other producers, who knew him when he was a model, have been warning him to appreciate his good fortune start producing content that doesn't put him in a situation to have the rug pulled out from under his feet or, worse yet, land him in jail.
When I opened the article to see the headline, he went through my mind. Does anyone remember the site InSex.com? They were a femsub extreme torture site. The torture was real. It was incredibly disturbing. They must have seen the warning signs, sold the site and got out of dodge eventually. Porn Hub must be seeing some type of writing on the wall, be it another Attorney General attack on porn, like we experienced in the Bush admin, or a crack down from their merchants. Porn hub has long forbid real Sm scenes...even a typical whipping scene. This would probably be a good time for video producers, pushing the envelope, to tone it down and look for other niches.
I don't approve of the implied incest or Ted Bundy looking videos. But, when they come after people for far less than Hollywood puts out, it is beyond wrong. Someone mentioned here that no legislator would defend the adult industry. That is lousy...especially when shows like American Horror Story can produce a show in which Lady Ga Ga and her boyfriend play sadistic vampires who lure a vanilla couple in for a threesome, have sex with them and then, in the midst of ecstasy, devour them in a bloody and horrific manner. If you or I made a video like that, not only would not be permitted to show it but, we'd run a risk of legal issues.
#12571 - 12/09/20 09:50 AM
Re: The end of PornHub?
[Re: Cheyenne]
Registered: 10/13/15
Posts: 1320
Loc: Romania
Hello Cheyenne. I am glad you contributed to the post. I knew you would probably know more about this subject than most anyone else here. That is lousy...especially when shows like American Horror Story can produce a show in which Lady Ga Ga and her boyfriend play sadistic vampires who lure a vanilla couple in for a threesome, have sex with them and then, in the midst of ecstasy, devour them in a bloody and horrific manner. If you or I made a video like that, not only would not be permitted to show it but, we'd run a risk of legal issues. Exactly. I believe "Vampirism" in any form is forbidden on C4S and other formats and most kink videos I have seen on the subject are really tame by Hollywood's comparison. I've never spent much time on Porn Hub. I had a channel there once to promote my content site and they deleted my account - yet they still allow stolen clips of mine to be posted. I don't have much sympathy for these guys but I am afraid their irresponsible behavior is going to bring heat on all kink video creators.
Making grown men cry . . . and loving every minute of it. Main website: www.mistressayn.comContent site: www.aynrules.com Follow Me on Twitter - @MistressAyn
#12572 - 12/09/20 10:57 AM
Re: The end of PornHub?
[Re: Mistress Ayn]
Registered: 07/12/19
Posts: 2310
I've never spent much time on Porn Hub either. They, along with other pirate sites, have made more money from my content than I have in recent years. Multiple big money porn producers came together to become Porn Hub. They knew with their money and access to to legal representation, they could run over folks like you and me. These people and other tube/pirate sites, I believe are the scum of the earth. Their set up is akin to the mafia. They take our content, set up rules that are safe for them and allow us to make a fraction of money if we follow their draconian restrictions. But, as another posters on this thread said, no one is going to bat for adult video producers.
I will say, of C4S, the original owner is an amazingly nice man who cares about the fetish scene and ran the site with the utmost integrity. I believe he is still part owner but sold a large portion of C4S. But, to this day, he has his private cell phone number out there for anyone who needs help regarding C4S. He started with nothing, worked his butt off and supported the fetish community in every way possible all along the way. I've only respect for him even if the rules were blurry here and there. Not many self made multi millionaires do their own customer service. I do believe he did the best he could with all he was juggling.
If I were just starting in this business, I'd make a few videos here but there but my focus would be on sessions and private events. It is something pirates can't take away. The sad thing is...a lot of the men who download pirated videos either don't know or don't care that they are contributing to the theft of hardworking doms.
Along with you, Porn Hub gets zero sympathy from me. I'd love to see them stand up and have to honestly answer for the incest and implied child abuse they allow on their site.
#12573 - 12/09/20 06:19 PM
Re: The end of PornHub?
[Re: Cheyenne]
Registered: 07/12/19
Posts: 430
All the video distribution sites, BDSM sites and forums, Hollywood itself and the porn industry at large are reflections of our society and culture. Sex and violence are powerful motivators, they are at the center of Hollywood's success, one of the last successful American industries. This creates a strange eco system, where you can be a small fish in a big pond or a big fish in a small pond, but you do better if you find a niche.
The nature of the problem is that there are very low barriers for entry in the field, which means opportunity. The same lack of regulation means no protection from predatory behavior.
I think that given the nature of the industry, of the internet, of the global access having somebody like PornHub is unavoidable. If it were to shut down I have no doubt that five smaller, hungrier companies with even fewer scruples would be ready to take its place.
I am impressed with how nimble they were in answering NY Times' attack. Can you imagine a politician like Trump or Biden, a company like Amazon or Google or a forum like MF or this one responding that fast and decisively to an unexpected attack?
So chances are they stay in business, which might be a good thing for the rest of us, because as long as they exist they are a target and a shield for the rest of the participants.
#12574 - 12/09/20 09:04 PM
Re: The end of PornHub?
[Re: Komodo]
Registered: 07/12/19
Posts: 2310
All the video distribution sites, BDSM sites and forums, Hollywood itself and the porn industry at large are reflections of our society and culture. Sex and violence are powerful motivators, they are at the center of Hollywood's success, one of the last successful American industries. This creates a strange eco system, where you can be a small fish in a big pond or a big fish in a small pond, but you do better if you find a niche.
The nature of the problem is that there are very low barriers for entry in the field, which means opportunity. The same lack of regulation means no protection from predatory behavior.
Years back, to enter the fetish video industry, good credit and a good bit of a money was needed. Recent technology has made it so that, as you put it, the barriers for entering the field are, indeed low. Remember the MMA guy was recruiting homeless men for brutal beat downs in exchange for a warm meal and a few bucks? Before people could shoot in their cousins garage with a $200. camera and, now on their iphone, it wasn't like that. But, it is a new day and age.
I think that given the nature of the industry, of the internet, of the global access having somebody like PornHub is unavoidable. If it were to shut down I have no doubt that five smaller, hungrier companies with even fewer scruples would be ready to take its place.
Yes, there was so much combined wealth from savvy porn folks who saw this coming. They had no problem stepping on people in becoming even wealthier by stealing from others. They've won.
I am impressed with how nimble they were in answering NY Times' attack. Can you imagine a politician like Trump or Biden, a company like Amazon or Google or a forum like MF or this one responding that fast and decisively to an unexpected attack?
They must have great attorneys who know how to walk that line. Currently, they have so much content on their site that would be low hanging fruit in being considered obscene if it went to court. They allow that while not allowing simple whipping clips that are not shot in a way to make the models look underage. There must be a reason for that. When there is a shift on who to go after at the whim of a politician or credit card merchant, they'll probably have no problem axing the age play and vile abuse on young women. They are allowing content that video producers like Max Hardcore went to prison for in the 2257/Ashcroft days.
So chances are they stay in business, which might be a good thing for the rest of us, because as long as they exist they are a target and a shield for the rest of the participants.
I agree the chances are they stay in business and free of prosecution. But, who knows...in the day of MeToo and the focus on real human trafficking, that often involves minors, all it takes a politician looking to make a name for themselves to go after them. They are really walking a thin line but, they've got the money and attorneys to do it, I guess. If they do fall, it will be hard, like Epstein. I'm not suggesting that they have actual minors on their site. But, they have a plethora of content that most any court would find obscene, including 21 year old women who are dressed to look like they are 12. Talk about publicly frying a big fish, they've made themselves one.
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