At this point I require a deposit from almost every new client so from that standpoint references are not as important to me as they once were. However, they still have a place in my booking protocols.

1. If a sub has multiple references from top Dommes and I have the time to verify (I usually do and those kinds of Dommes are typically very professional and answer quickly), I will forgo a deposit for up to a 2 hour session. I've actually found that subs that have top shelf references are less likely to flake than someone that put up a deposit. And yes, guys do flake that send in deposits - often.

2. References can be very useful in a close group like AD where we have open and easy communication with each other. I may verify with Domme X that she saw sub y and she may give me a very useful piece of information that either saves me time or has the possibility of making the session better.

3. I am much more likely to require and verify references when I travel. I don't think I need to go into all the reasons behind this but if a guy lives in a town with easy access to Dommes and says he doesn't have references there is likely something off with him.

So for now, asking for references will stay a part of my booking protocols.
Making grown men cry . . . and loving every minute of it.

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