Originally Posted By Cheyenne
The Amazon Princess/Tarzan role play sounds like so much fun!!! It also makes me wonder if the switching was in the context of such a scenario that it would not effect the way she looks at her "Daddy." Hmmmm....

"Daddy" hits the nail on the head. The first Mistress was I did this with was in her late 20s, I was in my late 40s, so the age difference was in play. Tarzan is the age of the Princess' father and "Daddy" sent Tarzan to the rescue. The Princess always had a crush on Tarzan, so when they set up camp the Amazon taunts, teases him into submission.

With my role play, and its variations, I always describe it as a "R-rated 1950s B-movie," if there were such things back then. I would also say the whole BDSM experience for me is like Disney World for adults.