Originally Posted By AspX
I can't believe I am actually going to defend Cybil, especially considering the run-ins we had on both Twitter and Max Fisch on the issue many years ago and the fact that she is unapologetic for being a part of those pictures/videos (btw, the only reason the "run-ins" stopped is that I blocked her on everything that I can and refuse to engage with her, even the time when we were physically within 3 feet of each other).

Sometimes I go back and re-read things and realize I articulated something badly because I was thinking from a specific perspective (in this case, purely my own personal one) that isn't evident in what I wrote. This time I want to make sure I correct it b/c this was especially bad.

By "run-ins”, I meant discussions about this specific issue that were always initiated by me in response to something she posted. The "stopping" because of my blocking was really me stopping myself from getting upset over it & was completely unilateral. I highly doubt Cybil even knew that it happened or really even knows my screen name.

When I re-read that paragraph it made it seem like the two of us were fully engaged and going at it. To be fair, it was not that... It was a big deal to me and probably of no consequence (or memory) to her.