Originally Posted By Mistress Ayn
Moderation is a good thing, and yes, we don't want this board to become like MF but it would be sad to see this board ban people due a differing opinion or for simply having bad manners.

I find it very interesting that some people are having a kind of panic moment and going full on black-and-white thinking where we either allow trolls to exist and thrive here or we're "over-moderating!" ... simply because I requested that we don't allow *misogyny* here. I think that shows how socially acceptable it is and how desensitized we are to misogyny.

Not wanting to read insulting comments about women is not just a matter of "differing opinion" or "bad manners". It's a very serious thing that has had devastating effects on both women AND men. Forgive me for not wanting to be subjected to it on a FemDom board.

As far as the more harmless differing opinions and bad manners? I react appropriately because I'm intelligent enough to know the difference between reasonable disagreements and the reasonable emotions that go with them and being a "Nazi" as I believe a couple people have insinuated.

I'm sure people think I just want to censor people. On the contrary, I'm all about freedom of speech. I'm also about people's understanding that some types of speech aren't acceptable in certain spaces, nor should people expect them to be without repercussions.

Any other suggestions?

I think it's simple: Let's act like adults. Disagreements will happen. Emotions will happen. When it crosses the line into name-calling, slander, harassment, threats, targeted hate we give a warning, maybe two, depending on the type of offense. If the person continues, they're removed. I would suggest a time-out but this software doesn't have that capability.

The people who have a serious problem with this are likely those who are don't trust that they will be able to control themselves. Instead of blaming others and crying "over-moderation", try practicing responsible behavior.

No one here is interested in censoring your speech...unless you're creating a hostile and unwelcoming environment for other members.