i think in many ways i have been the problem poster child of a sub with ADHD /ADD. It has taken me quite a lot of effort and work to better manage my condition in real life. The problem for individuals with ADHD /ADD is that when in session the combination of excitement, nervousness and the more intense mental and physical stimulation can supercharge the cage of squirrels running around in one's head.

Sub's with ADHD shouldn't drink at any time and especially before a session. ADHD can be managed with medication but it can takes years to get the type of drug needed as well as the dosage.

Familiarity with the Domme and the trust that is built up after multiple sessions helps better control the sub's ADHD and makes easier things for everyone.

Things that can help the ADHD sub in both general living and in session - being well rested, eating a no sugar diet, and as mentioned the correct type and level of medication.

Rumour has it, that on occasion, the use of a ball gag has been extremely successful in helping ADHD subs shut down and let go, quelling their desire to need to talk all the time , eliminate bizarre questions, and allow the Mistress to enjoy the session and perhaps even enter Dommespace .

Training with Hypno Tapes has also been quite helpful.