ADD/ADHD is one of those general spectrum disorders where doctors classify people into box A or box B based on some rigorous set of questions and behaviors. But to me, since I have been diagnosed with it, it is really a spectrum of behaviors associated with very high energy and lack of direction/focus usually exacerbated by a poor support structure (like family support or educational support). By the time adulthood is reached, these individuals are very much like you specified above. Some have learned to overcome it themselves or are better able to adapt to the real world, others not so much. But there are techniques I have learned from my mistress on how to deal with it. Meditation (which is a challenge at first) and Yoga are incredibly effective ways of dealing with learning to let go and shut down. It has worked wonders for me. I am being re-trained to deal with misdirected energies and it is definitely a difficult process, but it is working!!
Slave Bunny
Twitter: @whiterabbit__ny