So with all this "stay at home" and quarantine stuff in place, it's obviously making it difficult if not impossible to session in person with our Mistresses/Dommes. Fortunately, a lot of them have started offering various forms of "distance domination" including Mistress Ayn.

With the lockdown having robbed me of a scheduled overnight session with her, I was excited to see her start offering email packages and immediately contacted her about them. Not only would this allow me to maintain a connection with her, it would also be a means in which I could support her during these difficult times.

I realize that we'd all rather see our Mistresses in person, but sometimes we have to make due with what we've got and I have to say that thus far I haven't been disappointed!! I also realize that I could perform these "tasks" myself without her telling me to do them, but as I referred to above, there is a certain feeling of connection with your Mistress when the command comes directly from her and you have to report back to her when the assigned task is completed.

One thing I have discovered while performing the assigned tasks from Mistress Ayn is that I have a tendency to not "hold back". If it was something I decided to do on my own, I may stop after a couple of minutes or I may not necessarily push myself as hard as I could .... but when it's coming from Mistress Ayn and there's an assigned time limit, I find that the "harder" I push myself and the more intense it is, the more enjoyable it is because I know that it's what she would do if I was in her presence.

So while the online stuff may not be the ideal scenario that we'd all prefer, it has still been a huge stress reliever in the midst of these trying times and I for one am grateful and thankful to Mistress Ayn and all the other Mistresses that are offering ways for their subs to stay connected with them.
Fear, anxiety, arousal & pain; all are emotions & sensations. Feel them, experience them, surrender to them & learn to accept them.
