This MF ended up being very cathartic for the sub so I won't give many details. The set up: I am a therapist working with a patient on learning to accept his small penis. I set him up on a blind date with a vanilla woman and as part of his therapy he has to tell her about his small penis during the date. After the date he returns to me and I have set an appointment with a doctor (Ultra Violet decked out in medical fetish gear) to determine if anything can be done medically to help. During the exam while he is restrained and naked, his date enters the exam room and sees just how small he really is . . .

The biggest part of the MindFuck for him was not knowing if his date knew about his "condition". He still doesn't know, and that's what makes a MindFuck work - the unknown and unexpected. A MindFuck isn't an elaborate role play of your construction - it's an elaborate scenario of MY construction where I use everything I know about you to push you, confuse you and literally fuck your mind.
Making grown men cry . . . and loving every minute of it.

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