Originally Posted By Mistress Tissa
Originally Posted By Soapy
Some are tacky. Whole Foods gift cards, actual food, etc.

Whole Foods gift cards are tacky? Since when it eating better quality food tacky?

It has always come across to me as "buy me food I can't afford my own"


Think of it like treating your Domme to a nice lunch.

That is a fair way of looking at it and nicer. Thank you.


I don't include a lot of what I'm into because a public wishlist feels so....public and I don't want personal things on there for some guy to casually peruse. I've already had someone make a creepy comment about "oh you like thaaaat..." and then try to buy me something he liked related to it which was gross.

I can almost guess what that was about and I can understand why you don't want that repeated.